Thursday, September 26, 2019

Interview in Cyberlaw Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview in Cyberlaw - Assignment Example Adult 2: Am not happy with such sites since they do give some private information about a person which can sometimes create scandals in their lives. Also, one cannot control the information such sites are giving unless by use of law and this may cost one a lot of money and time. Adult 1: Yes the Federal Government should implement laws dealing on the way companies use ones personal information. For example, it should limit the company’s rights on posting their employee’s credit card information, family members’ information as well as social security number. Adult 2: The federal government should implement such laws as by doing so companies will have to consult their employees before posting some personal information. For instance, the government should include that a company should not to post any personal information regarding an employee’s financial status. Adult 2: I think the company should be the one held responsible. Let’s say the information given about any person contradicts the law, the organisation posting the information is the one that should be held responsible and not the individual. This should serve as a way of restricting the information that companies post concerning their employees. I would advice employees to be very careful when giving their personal information to the employer as they can find the information at any time in the

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